Coach E’s Daily HIT: Focus
By Coach Erik at January 3, 2018 | 3:24 pm | 0 Comment
Coach E’s Daily HIT (Hajer Inspired Thought.) Thoughts on living a more fit and fulfilled life you love. January 3rd, 2018 Where focus goes, energy flows. What you focus on you feel. Today’s HIT is an invitation to focus on what’s right today. Focus on what you’re grateful for. If you’re
Categotries : Blog/Vlog , Uncategorized , Coach E's Daily HIT (Hajer Inspired Thought.)
Feeling Off? Here’s a Simple Way to Get Back on Track (Coach E Video.)
By Coach Erik at August 18, 2016 | 2:18 pm | 2 Comments
Categotries : Free Fitness/Wellness Videos , Blog/Vlog , Health & Wellness Musings
Take The Plunge!
By Coach Erik at January 15, 2015 | 12:37 am | 0 Comment
Boldness has power, genius and magic in it. Begin it now! These famous words by Johann van Goethe, rung in my ear as I dove head first into the frigid Atlantic Ocean for my 42nd birthday Sunday. While the icey water stung my flesh and shocked my body I felt alive, vital and empowered!
Categotries : Blog/Vlog , Health & Wellness Musings , Athletic Events/ Adventures , Inspiration
Need a Boost? Do This.
By Coach Erik at December 2, 2014 | 10:35 pm | 0 Comment
Coach E here: Food is perhaps the most abused anxiety drug and exercise is perhaps the most underutilized antidepressant. Take away: If you need a boost get moving. Emotion is created by motion. As little as two minutes of movement can change your biochemistry and can give your day a hit of awesome! Get
Categotries : Blog/Vlog , Fitness Sparks
Your Most Valuable Currency
By Coach Erik at November 20, 2014 | 1:40 pm | 4 Comments
The effect you have on other people is the most valuable currency there is. At the very end, all that you’ve accomplished and accumulated will fade away. What will remain are the moments of honest, brave and intimate connection that will live in the hearts of others forever. Take away: Be somebody that makes other people
Categotries : Blog/Vlog , Health & Wellness Musings , Inspiration
Anger Can be Healing. Here’s How.
By Coach Erik at November 13, 2014 | 4:05 pm | 0 Comment
Coach Erik here: Belying most anger is hurt, vulnerability and sadness. The challenge is most of us suppress or displace our anger, which can lead to either external rage or prolonged internal suffering, disease and pain. I offer the “courageous Lion’s roar” is the decision to understand the wisdom of your anger and express it
Categotries : Blog/Vlog , Health & Wellness Musings