Anger Can be Healing. Here’s How.

Anger Can be Healing. Here’s How.

November 13th, 2014 // 4:05 pm @

Courage lion-771482

Coach Erik here:

Belying most anger is hurt, vulnerability and sadness. The challenge is most of us suppress or displace our anger, which can lead to either external rage or prolonged internal suffering, disease and pain. 

 I offer the “courageous Lion’s roar” is the decision to understand the wisdom of your anger and express it in a powerful and healing way.

 I invite you to do this by getting in touch with the feelings behind the anger. For example, recognizing that what you are really feeling hurt, lonely or disconnected etc. and expressing that to yourself and/or others. I offer there is great power profound healing in vulnerability and expressing your truth. 

Notice how good it feels to own the feelings behind the anger and how freeing it feels to express your truth in a direct and constructive way. Once you do, you are free to nourish and resolve your feelings as opposed to succumbing to the immediate (and often) destructive needs of your anger. 


Erik Hajer is an award-winning trainer, life coach, presenter and author. Check out his blog/vlog for more secrets to living a fit and happy life you love. 

Category : Blog/Vlog &Health & Wellness Musings

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