Browsing Category Blog/Vlog

Endorphin Quest: On Demand Workout Video

July 23rd, 2016 // 3:00 pm @

    Join Coach E for your half hour of interval power. Rev up your metabolism and get your hit of liquid awesome! Equipment: None. Level: All Members log in by clicking here: Want to workout but are not a member? Click here for a 30-day free trail of Coach E on Demand.  

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Category : Blog/Vlog

Keep Your Fitness Fire Lit! (Video.)

March 21st, 2016 // 7:05 pm @

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Category : Free Fitness/Wellness Videos &Blog/Vlog

How to Turn Can’t Into Can (Video.)

January 13th, 2016 // 11:05 am @

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Category : Blog/Vlog &Inspiration

How to Inspire, Lead & Create Miracles (Video.)

January 12th, 2016 // 4:10 pm @

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Category : Blog/Vlog &Health & Wellness Musings &Uncategorized &Inspiration

Return of the Roar

December 28th, 2015 // 10:31 pm @

  Coach E here: I offer our most primal fear is we will not be enough and ultimately won’t be loved. We create moats around our vulnerability and true selves so we can stay “safe.”  The irony is we achieve great things in our quest to “measure up” and be loved, yet often fail to […]

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Category : Blog/Vlog &Health & Wellness Musings

WellFitTribe Login / Request an Invite

October 1st, 2015 // 1:46 am @

The WellFit Tribe is a positive and affirming online community intended to help you live a more fit and fulfilled life you love. Here you can connect with Coach E and other members of the Tribe online, share tips, information, strategies and so much more…. Already a member? Click here to login.  Not a member yet? […]

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Category : WellFitTribe Online Community (Video.) &Blog/Vlog

Welcome To Coach E on Demand!

September 26th, 2015 // 6:28 pm @

 Click Here to Access Coach E on Demand Premium Videos!...

Login in to access your Coach E on Demand inspired online video library!
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Category : *Click Here to Access Coach E on Demand Premium Video Membership &Blog/Vlog

5 Tips For Explosive Energy

March 4th, 2015 // 4:56 pm @

Coach Erik here: I offer the key to maximizing your potential is focused energy. My offering today is 5 tips for cultivating explosive energy at home, in the work place or in your athletic endeavors. 1) Sleep More.  Sleeping 7-9 hours a night is a game changer. Science tells us that energy, focus, weight loss and […]

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Category : Blog/Vlog &Uncategorized

Why We Fail

February 13th, 2015 // 7:24 pm @

We fail when we say no to a challenge that scares us. We fail when we play small or wait to be picked. We fail when we let fear hold our life hostage. We fail when we hesitate to speak our truth, act in alignment with our core values or say I love you. We […]

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Category : Blog/Vlog &Fitness Sparks &Inspiration

Just Show Up

February 13th, 2015 // 6:11 pm @

  The secret to success in fitness and in life is consistently showing up. Often we blame out lack of resources for to taking action (the greatest of which is time.) Remember it’s not your resources, but your resourcefulness that determines your destiny.  Today I invite you to meet yourself where you are and with […]

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Category : Blog/Vlog &Fitness Sparks &Health & Wellness Musings &Inspiration

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