5 Tips For Explosive Energy

5 Tips For Explosive Energy

March 4th, 2015 // 4:56 pm @

Coach Erik here:

I offer the key to maximizing your potential is focused energy. My offering today is 5 tips for cultivating explosive energy at home, in the work place or in your athletic endeavors.

1) Sleep More.  Sleeping 7-9 hours a night is a game changer. Science tells us that energy, focus, weight loss and feelings of well-being are all tied to sleep.

Coach E Tip: Not getting enough? Try a 15 min. power nap or 5 min. meditation. Both have been proven to be both rejuvenating and restorative.

2) Drink More Water. If you are 1% dehydrated performance can decrease up to 15%! Water gives you an immediate hit of energy and feeling of well-being.

Coach E Tip: Shoot for at least 2 liters if you are a female and 3 liters if you are a male. Drink to thirst and have water with you at all times.

3) Eat More Green Leafy Vegetables: Green leafy vegetables like kale, collard greens, chard, and spinach are loaded with vitamins and minerals providing and energetic boot.

Coach E Tip: Rock a large salad of greens with lean protein for lunch. Notice the hit of energy!

4) Move! Exercise releases dopamine and endorphins, which give you a major hit of energy and happy chemistry.

Coach E tip: Interval training (short burst of high intensity exercise followed by a recovery period) has been shown to exponentially increase energy, mood and focus. Plus it revs up your metabolism so you are burning calories at a higher rate through the day. At work? Get up and do a few laps around the office. At home? Rock a few intervals up and down the stairs.

5) Talk to a friend/colleague/coach that is on fire! Every interaction is an exchange of energy. Have you ever wondered why you feel so good after talking to a positive empowered person versus a negative nelly? Energy.

Coach E Tip: Commit to connect with at least one person who is on fire. Positive, happy, empowered and keen on making good things happen. After you do that go and be that person for someone else. Notice the energetic shift.

To get what we want in life we need energy. I invite you to commit to cultivating explosive energy. Take charge of your energy today and rock your day!

Erik Hajer is an award-winning trainer, life coach, presenter, athlete and author. Check out his blog/vlog for more secrets to living a fit and happy life you love. http://erikhajer3.wpengine.com   


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Category : Blog/Vlog &Uncategorized

10 Comments → “5 Tips For Explosive Energy”


    9 years ago

    I’m going to miss you at Boot Camp. Wanting to follow your blog here–do you have a subscription service for your blog/vlog?? You are and will be a blessing to many…


    • Erik Hajer

      9 years ago

      Hey Amy! So happy you found me here. I will add your to the WellFitTribe blog feed. Excited to continue to support and celebrate you on your wellness journey!!


  2. Carol Hayes

    9 years ago

    I have said it over and over how I will miss you on bootcamphub and also found you here. May I be added to your wellfittribe blog feed please? I want to stay in touch.


    • Erik Hajer

      9 years ago

      Hey Carol- I just added you! 🙂


  3. Barbara Fishburne

    9 years ago

    I miss you….please add me to your wellfittribe blog feed. A little Erik is better than no Erik at all! 🙂


    • Erik Hajer

      9 years ago

      Barbara!! I miss you too! I’m sending you a special link to the WellFitTribe!! “See” you soon!


  4. Debbie Smart

    9 years ago

    Hi, Coach E! Could you please add me too to your WellFitTribe blog? Thanks!

    Miss you at Boot Camp, but so happy for you and your new adventures.



  5. Orla Collins

    9 years ago

    Hi Eric,

    Very much missing you and your music choices on the Bootcamphub. Thanks goodness for the recordings and the shot of energy they bring to my day. Could I please be added to your blog?

    Best of luck with all you are doing. You really add a special sparkle to life.



  6. Janni Cone

    9 years ago

    Missing me some Erik… glad to have found you – need some of your positivity… Congrats and hope you are doing WELL and are HAPPY!


    • Erik Hajer

      9 years ago

      Hey Janni! Happy you found me and reached out. Sending you a special invite link to our free/fun fitness and wellness community portal. Hope to see you soon! 🙂

      Coach E


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