WellFitTribe Login / Request an Invite

WellFitTribe Login / Request an Invite

October 1st, 2015 // 1:46 am @

The WellFit Tribe is a positive and affirming online community intended to help you live a more fit and fulfilled life you love. Here you can connect with Coach E and other members of the Tribe online, share tips, information, strategies and so much more….

Already a member? Click here to login

Not a member yet? Click here to request a special invite



What People Are Saying About the WellFitTribe:

 “Thanks to your warmth and coaching and the Tribe, my fit and fulfilled heart is able to pursue a passionate, intentional life with a resounding YES!  I’m consistently choosing love over my fears, and whole new beautiful worlds are opening.  Forever grateful for the gift that you are, and how you create such safe places/spaces for transformation to occur. Intrinsically whole, deeply nourished and all my love.”

-Alanna B.


“Erik Hajer uses the WellFitTribe in combination with his Live Fit and Be Well workbook and now Coach E on Demand to change lives. This dynamic combination has helped me transform my life into a journey of wellness and celebrate the joy of movement.  This is not another diet or quick-fix-but instead a lifestyle change.  Erik is authentic, generous, and compassionate in helping you to realize that you are worth it!”

-Betty D.


“The Tribe pushes me, lifts me up, inspires and invigorates me. I can safely explore my deepest feelings and fears in this soft happy safety net. Thanks Coach E and all you Tribers out there!”

– Ann R.


“Coach E has created a wonderful place for positive input and encouragement for whatever stage you are at in your fitness and wellness journey. The encouragement for moving forward in all aspects of life is invaluable for living life to it’s fullest.”

– Marrianne


Category : WellFitTribe Online Community (Video.) &Blog/Vlog

6 Comments → “WellFitTribe Login / Request an Invite”

  1. Cindi Sargent

    8 years ago

    I used to exercise with Coach E when he was part of the the boot camp hub. I miss your positive attitude. Would love to join your tribe.

    • Coach Erik

      Coach Erik

      8 years ago

      Hey Cindi! We would love to have you join our Tribe! I’m sending You a special invite link now. “See” you soon!

      Coach E


  2. Margo Thompson

    7 years ago

    Trying to do this on my own is not working for me. Hoping to support others while finding inspiration and fuel to get me where I want to be too.

    • Coach Erik

      Coach Erik

      7 years ago

      Hey Margo!

      Thanks for arching out. Just sent you a special invite to our private group call the “WellFitTribe” Looking forward to helping you take your fitness and wellness to the next level!

      Coach E


  3. Louise Jackson

    7 years ago

    Hi coach E
    Thank you for sending motivatiomal tips and encouragement. I would love to find out more about the well fit tribe

    • Coach Erik

      Coach Erik

      7 years ago

      Hey Louise!

      I will send you a special invite link to the wellfittribe community. Looking forward to being your ally and helping you take your fitness and wellness to the next level!


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