Thank You

Thank You

June 30th, 2013 // 6:24 pm @

Coach Erik here:
The untrained mind when left to it’s own cunning devices can always come up with a reason why you are not good enough. I offer the antidote to this insidious disease of “not enough” is gratitude. 
It’s not happiness that brings you gratitude it’s gratitude that brings you happiness. I invite you to rock an attitude of gratitude today. What are you most grateful for? Notice how it feels to turn inward and celebrate all of the gifts that you already have.  

Take away: Gratitude is one of the most powerful of all human emotions and a potent antidote to the disease of “not enough.” The simple prayer, “thank you” instantly transforms your brain chemistry and is a catalyst for abundant happiness. 

About: I want to help you live a fit and happy life you love. I am an award-winning trainer, life coach, presenter and author who has helped people take inspired action since 1995. 


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Category : Blog/Vlog &Health & Wellness Musings &Inspiration

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