Enlighten Up!
By Coach Erik at December 8, 2014 | 4:42 pm | 0 Comment
Coach E here: For years I took myself way too seriously and as a result missed out on a lot of freedom, adventure, laughter and joy. Take away: Enlighten up! Be quick to laugh at yourself or a situation today. Dwell in possibilities not difficulties. Have the courage to be seen, heard and felt in
Categotries : Blog/Vlog , Health & Wellness Musings , Inspiration
Anger Can be Healing. Here’s How.
By Coach Erik at November 13, 2014 | 4:05 pm | 0 Comment
Coach Erik here: Belying most anger is hurt, vulnerability and sadness. The challenge is most of us suppress or displace our anger, which can lead to either external rage or prolonged internal suffering, disease and pain. I offer the “courageous Lion’s roar” is the decision to understand the wisdom of your anger and express it
Categotries : Blog/Vlog , Health & Wellness Musings