July 31st, 2013 // 8:26 pm
@ Coach Erik
Coach Erik here:
In the past twelve years i’ve realized that our culture is full of ideas that actually inhibit our joy and happiness. Here are four of the rules I have gratefully unlearned.
1) Success is the Opposite of Failure
The most successful people in life are the ones who have tried “failed” and learned the most. Studies show that those who worry about mistakes shut down whereas those who are relaxed about making mistakes soon make their connection.
Take away: Success is built on “failure.” Go out there a fail with gusto!
2) If All My Wishes Came True in This Moment My Life Would be Perfect
The truth is any external thing we depend on to make us feel good has the power to make us feel bad. Postponing happiness until we “arrive” is a sure fire way to catch the disease of never enough.
Take away: Happily achieving / acquiring versus achieving/acquiring to be happy is the secret to a fulfilled life.
3) It’s Vital to Stay Happy All the Time
Feeling as if you must be happy at all times can be stressful. More it can repress emotions that often need to experienced and released.
Take a way: Giving yourself permission to feel as you feel – not continuous happiness – is the foundation of well-being.
4) I Am My Past Story
Your past story has no power over you unless you live there. Often we use our past story as an excuse for why we can’t have what we want in the present. Our excuse is used to protect ourselves from the fear of not being enough and ultimately not loved.
Take away: Challenge your old story with new empowering evidence created by inspired action. New evidence is the antidote to limiting beliefs and fears associated with your old story.
Question: Are there any rules you need to unlearn?
About: I want to help you live a fit and happy life you love. I am an award-winning peak performance coach, seminar leader and author who has helped hundreds of people take inspired action since 1995.
Category : Blog/Vlog &Health & Wellness Musings &Inspiration
11 years ago
The rule I need to unlearn is “you must clean your plate”
11 years ago
I am working on unlearning that multi-tasking (successfully) is possible.