Cardio. Sculpt w/ Special Guest
By Coach Erik at August 14, 2016 | 9:54 pm | 0 Comment

Coach E here: “Cardio Sculpt” the latest C.E.O.D offering combines short HITT (high intensity interval training) sets with a killer core circuit. Join Coach E and special guest Coach B for an awesome 1/2 hour of power! Remember, it’s not about what you do but how you do it. Meet yourself where
Categotries : Blog/Vlog , Latest Coach E on Demand Videos
Secrets to a Happier Life: Act From Your Core
By Coach Erik at December 17, 2014 | 7:43 pm | 0 Comment

When you act in alignment with your core values (the things you value the most for example; connection, integrity, health, compassion, playfulness etc.) you immediately feel a surge of positive energy and personal power. I offer this is a secret to living a fit and happy life you love. Take away: What are your two
Categotries : Blog/Vlog , Health & Wellness Musings
Your Most Valuable Currency
By Coach Erik at November 20, 2014 | 1:40 pm | 4 Comments

The effect you have on other people is the most valuable currency there is. At the very end, all that you’ve accomplished and accumulated will fade away. What will remain are the moments of honest, brave and intimate connection that will live in the hearts of others forever. Take away: Be somebody that makes other people
Categotries : Blog/Vlog , Health & Wellness Musings , Inspiration