Enough But Unfinished

Enough But Unfinished

March 24th, 2013 // 7:51 pm @


Coach Erik here:

The biggest obstacle in our quest to live the fit, vital and empowered life we deserve is fear. Our biggest fear is we are not enough and ultimately won’t be loved. We often enact this fear in one of two ways:

1) We don’t take massive action out of fear of “failing” and ultimately not feeling enough.

2) We load ourselves up with perfectionism and judgment, which keeps us in a never ending cycle of frustration and not feeling enough (even if we are achieving positive results.)

This inner obstacle or as I like to call it the, “not enough monster” robs us of our ability to take massive action as well as the joy, happiness and fulfillment we all crave. The good news is you can make a radicle shift in an instant, that can change the game forever.

I invite you to consider, you are enough but unfinished. When you operate from a baseline of enough, who you are and how deserving you are of love is not tied into your success. This is the ultimate freedom and gives you the opportunity to pursue your dreams without the fear of failing and ultimately not feeling loved.

Take away: You are enough but unfinished. Making this shift liberates your ability to take massive action not from a place of fear and inadequacy, but from a place of power and love.


Erik Hajer is an award-winning fitness and wellness coach and author of the book, LIVE FIT AND BE WELL: A Personal Transformation Workbook. (Amazon: http://amzn.to/t3z97A ) In addition to training for life, he is a 13-time marathoner and 5- time Ironman Triathlon finisher.

Connect with Coach Erik and the Fit and Well Tribe online at http://erikhajer3.wpengine.com There you will find community, support, inspiration, and awesome training videos too! 

Please pass this along to anyone you know who may need a boost.



Category : Blog/Vlog &Health & Wellness Musings

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